Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

WY Recommends: Demand Surf Products A little help is on the way


As a quasi surf-media company, whatever that is, we get a lot of cool stuff sent our way. We were recently made aware of a new company from Hawaii that is putting out a very interesting line of products. The company is called Demand and they produce aftermarket fin box tapes and ding repair tapes.

FCS Fin Box tape

The concept is pretty simple if you’ve ever owned a surfboard. The damn things are fragile and they suffer cracks around the fin boxes and, of course, acquire small kine pukas over time (That means dings to you haoles).

The fin box tape helps seal the tiny cracks many boards get around the fin boxes from the stress of even moderate usage. Cracks that will inevitably begin to weaken your board over time. And, they can even add a little strength as well to help reduce the cracking before it happens.

They come in precut sizes for all major fin boxes and are mostly clear, save a little logo work.

Hey, ya gotta brand your stuff!

The ding tape is also very clever as it too comes precut is useful sizes and shapes. A perfect solution while traveling and you can’t get a proper ding repair done. Or, like us, use it at home when you’re simply too lazy to get it done right.

Ding Tape

And, to top it off, they are donating 1% of net profits to ocean conservation charities!

Shop here: Demand


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