“We were just the hell crew. The kind where people were giving us the ‘Oh fuck, please don’t look at anything or you might break it!’ look. It was great.” —Evan Mock
It was a road trip of course. The pavement kind. Rubber to road. The junk food- and litter-filled van kind. Wet wetsuits everywhere. Skateboards. Clothes. Shoes. Socks. And sand. A trip where morning and evening light blend into one. Your body aches and your mind races. You’re either cramped in a car or skating a bowl or running down an unfamiliar dirt road to see if it reaches the sea. Body tweaked. Mind warped. Every playlist in the car burnt to a crisp. Songs blend together. The tires his the pavement early one morning and we ended up and down the golden frontier that is California and arrived somewhere by nightfall. In between destinations we saw what’s become of California. And Californians. There were some friends. Some strangers. But we crossed them all. Weirdos. Women. Truckers. Pirates. Locals. Farmers. Hippies. Hipsters. Bums. And Hell’s Angels. And that was just the first gas station.
Enjoy the show: Starring Ian Crane, Dylan Goodale and Evan Mock with Jake Anderson, Curren Caples, Nat Young, Cole Sandman and lots of California. Presented by Richer Poorer.