Take Five: EP 33 Is Griffin Colapinto California’s legit world champ hopeful?
Yes, Hawaii has long been part of the good ‘ol U S of A, but for some reason professional surfers...

Take Five: EP 32 Is Jack Robbo Australian surfing’s return to greatness?
Can Jack Robinson lead Australia back to surfing greatness? There has been much hand-wringing as to the recent, seemingly impotent...

Take Five EP: 31 Does longboarding need the WSL?
You know it’s been a slow couple weeks when the only thing to talk about is competitive longboard surfing. But...

Take Five: EP 30 Kanoa Igarashi just destroyed all preconceived notions
Quite a few people didn’t like a young, brash boxer by the name of Cassius Clay. Continuing along a pugilistic...

Take Five: EP #29 The greatest surf comp ever?
If perhaps you are unaware, the Billabong Pipe comp was completed over the last week or so. In an attempt...

Take Five: EP 27 John Florence is back, and then some
Did you feel it? Because today at around 11:30 Hawaiian Time, John Florence initiated a sonic reverberation of which reset...

Take Five: EP 26 The North Shore may never be the same.
An interesting ordinance is making its way through the City and County Council of Honolulu that could change the Hawaiian...

Take Five: EP 25 It was a pretty good year at the movies
As we wind down the year, we thought we’d take a minute to reflect on a few of the more...

Take Five EP 24: Is it time for surfers to unite in the cause of ocean health?
Here we go again. As has been widely reported, a major oil spill has occurred off the coast of Huntington...

Take Five: EP 23 Who is deciding what is good surfing?
The topic has been tossed around for years, more like decades actually. What is good surfing? So when Kelly ripped...

Olympics Japan A What Youth final take
The Olympics wound up today and depending on who you ask, it came with many varied successes as well as...

Take Five: Olympics What did we actually come away with?
As the debut of surfing in the Olympics comes to a close, there is a lot to unpack. But before...

Take Five: EP 23 Olympic surfing should be in a pool
In case you missed it, a new wave pool has opened up in Japan just prior to the Olympic kick...

Take Five: EP 22 Gabriel Medina is the best competitive surfer in the world.
One of surfing’s popular media outlets dropped a bit of a stinker recently. Something about how the current Brazilian domination...

Take Five: EP 21 Is surf localism racism?
“Hey haole, beat it!” If you’ve surfed certain regions in the South Pacific to any significant degree, you’ve probably heard...

TAKE FIVE EP: 20 Buy Now or build a brand
In case you missed it, French-born woman surfer, Johanne Defay, won the ladies‘ side of things at the WSL event...

Take Five: EP 19 Observations from the pool
It seems like a long time ago but it’s only been six short years since Kelly rained on Adriano’s WSL...

TAKE FIVE: EP 18 Are you a local?
Do you consider yourself a local at a surf spot somewhere? No really, serious question. We ask because an interesting...

Take Five: EP 17 Wait, what? The WSL comes after Biolos
Oh boy. Filed under the category of “what we’re you thinking,” the WSL, surfing’s preeminent entertainment company, fired a warning...

TAKE FIVE: EP 16 ‘Rona be damned, the WSL is going to Rio
While the WSL had our attention watching the comp in Newcastle last week (Congrats to Italo and Carissa by the...

TAKE FIVE: EP 14 Who’s content is it anyway?
From what we understand, things were different back in the day regarding usage rights to creative content. Or more specific...

Take Five: EP 13 What the F**K are we even riding?
Surfing, as we mostly know it – riding a wave while standing upright on a surfboard – is a fairly...

Take Five: EP 12 Peter freaking Mel
PETER FREAKING MEL! Of course, you must have seen it by now. “It” being arguably the greatest wave ever ridden...

Take Five: EP 08 RIP Surfer Magazine and Michael Tomson
As we mentioned last week, the granddaddy of surf media, Surfer Magazine, has been shuttered. After 60 years of continuous...