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Watch O’Neill’s “O’RIGINALS” Reef Doig

10.01.19 – TAGS: ,
Filmers - Nev Faloon, Jordan Keir, Matt Coleman, Owen Milne, Nick Colclougn.

In another episode of what has quietly become one of surfing’s more authentic marketing angles, we are reintroduced to Reef Doig in this episode of O’Neill’s “O’RIGINALS” series.

But before we go any further, the man must be recognized as a solid contender as one of the best names in surfing.

A simple man, a simple life.

Son of a 70’s underground charger- if mag covers and other significant coverage can still qualify as underground-Reef was raised by his father, Geoff, in every grom’s dream scenario: on the beaches of Bali. Surfing all day, running wild at night, it sounds more like a “don’t try this at home” existence, but the boy became a man and his surfing soon followed. 

Home away from home. Reef threads in Bali.

Enough early success to tease, Reef chased the pro dream as many do. A couple of results as a grom can bend rational thinking and as we’ve seen, the road to pro surfing greatnesses isn’t just ability in the water. Timing, luck, location, brand belt-tightening, etc., make a successful career as a pro these days as much of a crapshoot as it’s ever been. Ask any QS warrior how that’s going.

Reef, tossing it around a bit.

Good to see another solid cat find his way beyond the ridiculous fantasy of a paying gig in competitive surfing, and begin a solid move into an actual career. One that might even support oneself. And he’s still surfing very well to boot!

Reef Doig. Just had to roll that one off the tongue one more time.

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