My obsession with Ty Segall runs deep. Like ocean deep. And any music news from him gets my spidey senses all tingly. Last week, Segall announced the release of new EP “Fried Shallots,” a six-track brain blast, with all proceeds benefitting the ACLU. The mini album acts as a compilation of sorts, and presents a handful of numbers from different times and different places that “all work together in a weird way.” “That’s something we should all be striving for: all working together in a weird way.” Listen to first track, “Big Man,” a classic reverb-soaked Segall jam that sounds like it was recorded through a diving bell. And when you’re done listening, support the ACLU and buy this baby. Sure, the best things in life are free. But sometimes we gotta pay a little to go a long way. –Maya Eslami
“The profits from this release will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union, whose defense of our rights is badly needed now – especially in the face of the government pigs who don’t care about the constitution and are determined to thin our herd so that they and their corporate sugar-daddies can grow ever fatter off the deprivations of the common man-clan! Don’t you let ’em do it!”