There still aren’t many guys with a backhand like Bobby. Even in the bumpiest conditions, he can still put it together.
Watch “Bobby Martinez & Friends” Surfing around SB with Dane Reynolds, Conner Coffin, and Parker Coffin
BOBBY MARTINEZ & friends from CI Surfboards on Vimeo.
05.09.17 – TAGS: Dane Reynolds, Conner Coffin, what youth recommends, surfing, Parker Coffin, Bobby Martinez, Bummer, Santa Barbara

Watch: Backdoor Shootout Team Snapt 4 wins it!

Watch: Ho/Pringle Productions Mase and Parker in the mud

WY Recommends: Foodland One of the centers of Surfing’s Universe

Watch: “Mex Trip” More B-Roll from Snapt4

Watch: “Not Today” Dane ponders what’s next.

Watch: “Happy Talk” A film by Eithan Osborne and Andrew Schoener

Watch: “Zeke Unleashed” Snapt4 in Indo Part 2

Watch: “Zeke Unleashed” Snapt 4 outtakes with Zeke Lau Part 1

Watch: Snapt4 Outtakes Pool party in Waco

Watch: Happy Hour More bangers from Snapt4

Watch: “Snapt4 x PSSC” With a cameo from Salmon Boy

Where were you? Bobby’s infamous farewell to competitive surfing

Watch: “Pentacoastal” A film by Wade Goodall

Watch: Chapter 11 TV Surfing’s contradiction: Dane Reynolds

Opinion Who killed surfing?

What Youth Highlights of 2019 Oh, what a year it was

Watch “Home Cooking” Featuring Bobby Martinez

WY Premiere: Clean Spill Listen to their New Track “Under the Sun”