Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch: “Not Today” Dane ponders what’s next.

02.03.21 – TAGS: ,

Surf media impresario, garmento, husband, and dad, the multi-talented Dane Reynolds has gifted us with another episode of Chapter 11. A bit of the same in terms of locations, but it does feature a full dose of the powerful spontaneity Dane is known for.

And what we love him for.

“Not Today” speaks to an impending reality but it also captures his state of mind in that he is still very much just a stoked grom when the wettie is pulled on and a new CI is underfoot.

As he sometimes does, Mr. Reynolds included a little more of his deeper thinking in this episode and the wonder of what the future might look like for a mid-thirties surf pro. Up to this point, Father Time has been kind to ‘ol Daner, as evidenced in his surfing, but even he, as we all will, is starting to wonder what surfing looks like at middle age.

But man buns and resin tints just don’t seem to fit.

Not today.

Hopefully, after COVID is finally under control, somebody can peel him away from Emma and we once again see him on a boat trip to Indo or the like. 

Would have loved to have seen what his entries in the Vans Triple Crown might have looked like this winter.


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