Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch Nix Nic Nooley A full-length surf film starring Creed Mactaggart, Noa Deane, Beau Foster and more

Finally some creativity in surfing! A weird concept, some hilarious acting and a bunch of fucking good-fun surfing. Toby Cregan’s Science Fiction surf film Nix Nic Nooley.

A little synopsis before you dive in:
The year is 2879 due to pollution the ocean has dried up, the only way to surf is by time travel using a cybotactical head unit. Zilou and Bibilou are two of the only humans interested in surfing, this is their story back in time.

Creed McTaggart
Duncan Mcnicol
Beau Foster
Ellis Erricson
Thom Pringle
Noa Deane
Nate Tyler
Wade Goodall
Jay Davies
Andrew Mooney
Shaun Manners
Dion Agius

Deany FriendsFun isnt 4 evry1SurfingNIX NIC NOOLEY DVD COVER

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