Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends rage

Noa, Creed, Beau and Ellis in “Rage” First it was O.A.M. now it’s RAGE

OAM was a traction company, hell it still might be, that was started by the Malloys, Machado, Taylor Knox, Pat...
what youth recommends dakoda walters

Dakoda Walters in “FANTA” The 15 year old letting loose

This little dude is reckless. He’’s on Billabong’’s Australia team and just made this video with Toby Cregan, who did Nix...

Watch Nix Nic Nooley A full-length surf film starring Creed Mactaggart, Noa Deane, Beau Foster and more

Finally some creativity in surfing! A weird concept, some hilarious acting and a bunch of fucking good-fun surfing. Toby Cregan’s...
stab magazine what youth cluster

Cluster, On the Night And the day after…

Toby Cregan covered our World Premiere of Cluster the other night and did a great job.

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