Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Dear Youth Scenes from Europe with Kai

Kai Neville in Italy
09.25.14 – TAGS:

Overcast and gloom as we hit the tarmac. It feels good to be out of Indonesia. The contrast is evident immediately. I feel young here.

War torn, art coated, romance-stained Europe. From Hemingway to Jean Luc, find your feet, sink your teeth and hack away.

I could make a film here. Anywhere but LA, fuck, that city freaks me out.

Charles de Gaulle looks like some war bunker from times to come, giant brutalist concrete structures. Indonesians are good natured, but people are mostly rude here. I like that. I’ll be your tourist, you fill me with ideas and give me shitty characters to compose.

I hopped from France to Italy right away. Dion Agius is with me, the liz doing biz. We are spending a couple days working on EPOKHE’s next range of glasses. A tiny little Italian village right out of a postcard. Working in factories with ancient eyewear masters. Drinking Presseco with lunch. Paris follows, fashion week and then CLUSTER Europe is on. As soon as the World Tour bounces, we pounce. I can’t wait to tear back into some French beaches. Modern Collective days.

Ciao for now xx —Kai

Surfing road-trip dear youth what youth

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