Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

4 Years Ago Today We Released This The first visions of What Youth

Maybe the wine is making us feel extra nostalgic tonight (what else is new), but it presents a nice moment to thank you. For tuning in. Hanging out. And watching us create and document the way we wanted to. Four years ago we all quit respectable dream jobs on a whim to start What Youth and we’re still here — a fucking miracle in itself. And the reason we are is you. So, thank you. Have one on us tonight, I promise we’re figuring out a way to bring free drinks and something awesome to your town right now. So we’ll see you soon. Until then, watch this.

The video above is the first moving thing Kai cut to harness the energy, the life, the vision and the fuck it that was inside of us. And we released it on this day, four years ago. We’ve made 13 issues of What Youth (14 in the works), produced and directed several films, and have a website and social media things that allow us to be ourselves right alongside you every day. Not much else to say besides: Thank you. Thank you a lot. —Travis 

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