Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Dear Youth Chippa Wilson and Dillon Perillo filming for This is Us: Australia

Dillon Perillo Chippa Wilson Skating Australia This is Us Surfing Dear Youth What Youth

There was a skatepark next to the bowler’s club we ate dinner at during our recent trip to Australia. It was empty all the time and every evening before dark (and often into the dark thanks to our Subaru’s headlights) we would eat chicken schnitzel’s, grab some beers and roll around for a few hours, which is exactly what’s happening above. Thats’ Dillon punting and Chippa setting up a new board.

Since we’ve been home, the editing bay has been ablaze. Kai is finishing off This Is Us: Australia, a new series that will premiere April 1 (next Monday) right here, starring Creed McTaggart, Ryan Callinan, Chippa Wilson and Dillon Perillo. We’re also putting the final touches on Anything Sing, which will be out exclusively on What Youth May 1st, and will be available for free download at on May 2nd. We’re also going to be premiering it up and down the California coast at the end of April, and if you’re lucky enough to be at Bells for the Rip Curl Pro this week, there’s a sneaky screening going on down there too.

Today’s Monday but it feels like Friday, lot’s of good stuff coming your way. Spread the word.

Surfing road-trip dear youth what youth

Dear Youth The fun that leads to sleep paralysis

“Never trust a thought that didn’t come from walking.” That’s a quote by an old madman by the name of Friedrich Nietzsche. He’s an existential pioneer and had one hell of a dark passenger throughout his life. But the man sure did drop some wisdom while he was here. I bring this up as a bit…

Coffee Sightglass San Francisco What Youth

Dear Youth A Treatise on Art and Coffee

Coffee is a drug. That’s masked by ubiquity and social acceptance but it’s just hot speed. Black hot wonderful speed. That thought lingered last Saturday morning as a nice young man in a waxed-cotton apron and mustache — and not a November mustache, but a real annual subscription to the thing — fixed my Guatemalan…

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