Pete lives in San Francisco. He’s owns a place in the Tenderloin — or as he calls it “The TL.” He’s been there for about 10 years. He was talking about how the city of SF is encouraging gentrification by allowing big corporation’s employees to move in without paying property tax and giving them cheaper rates. A lot of the culture has been pushed out of the TL, and most of his friends who lived there before have moved out because they can no longer afford rent. He thinks the tenderloin will be completely different in a few years.
Pete’s funny, he doesn’t wear much emotion on his sleeve. He’s really mellow, he also spent some time smoking from Ravens vape stick thing. Pete loves metal, he has a big chest tattoo that says highway 666. He bics his head every so often, just enough that he can keep up with it because if it gets too long…you wont’t be able to bic it anymore.
Watch our Afternoon Interview with Pete here and check out Arto’s photos of Pete from Anonymous Zone, which comes out tomorrow.
Anonymous Zone comes out Tuesday February 2, watch the trailer below: