Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Twin Peaks European Tour Photos from tagging along

“I broke my elbow at a Twin Peaks show earlier this year in Philly, and that wasn’t even the rowdiest set I’ve seen from them. It was the one I caught with my friend Allie last month in Bristol. There were so many kids bouncing around the old British pub that the lighting fixtures in the basement fell from the ceiling, and the walls began to crack. I couldn’t even squeeze my way up to the stage to shoot because it was so damn crowded. We had a full day off starting the following morning, and all the more reason to go out that night. And yet, I wound up in one of the band’s hotel rooms at five in the morning, watching three grown men nearly brought to tears as the Cubs made it to the World Series. Jack ripped off his shirt and changed into a dirty Cubs jersey from his suitcase on the floor while Clay and Jake just stared in awe at the iPhone reruns and distant celebrations.

Touring is hard. But touring as much as Twin Peaks do is just fucking exhausting. I think moments like that fill everyone on the road with just enough from home to keep the whole machine running.

After the Cubs game, the guys got evicted from their hotel room for smoking out the windows, and we spent the rest of the night huddled together in Hollie’s car with the heater on until the sun rose and covered England with the softest pink dew.

These are some photos from a week of Twin Peaks’ most recent European tour and all of the friendly faces who helped us out along the way.” —CJ Harvey

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Check out the Twin Peaks playing live here, even the Cubs jersey makes an appearance:

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