Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

What Youth Recommends 001 Some inspiration found while making What Youth Issue 4


“You can double the length of your iPhone battery easily — just put the fucking thing down.”

Kai said this the other day. And while it’s trite to be the person bickering about all the cell phone zombies wandering the planet, we found that to be good advice. And since we spend so much time searching the stacks, snapping photos and talking with inspiring people, we thought we’d give you a glimpse at some things that that made us whistle “Beginning to See The Light” as we made Issue 4 (out next month).

After the jump is a a good afternoon’s worth of rad shit we doubt you knew existed.
Iggy Pop and Tom Waits in Coffee and Cigarettes: The subtle dialogue and awkward moments in this classic Jim Jarmusch movie. Ozzie Wright told us that he saw this in the cinema years ago and it remains one of his favorite scenes of all time.

Charlie Kaufman on writing: A scene from the Spike Jonze movie Adaptation. This is how I feel writing the intros for the magazine. Every single time.

35mm photos that Kai Neville shot during a recent photo shoot at the LA river. This prompted him to go on a rant about getting off the computer and getting out into the world. So we did just that.

This is punk. And we now have a new found respect for Nick Cave.

Less is more.

This is one of the beautiful things about You Tube: you can crank this up and watch The Smiths play a live concert in 1983, in it’s entirety.

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