Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

“Distant Sky” Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Live in Copenhagen A VISUAL AUDIO EXPERIENCE

Last night folks wearing mostly black were treated to a glimpse into the soul of the most prolific Prince of Darkness himself… Nick Cave.

Back in the fall, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds played an intimate show in Copenhagen’s Royal Arena and the project finally screened at select threatres around the world for one-night only. Basically, if you’re reading this, it’s too late.

If you’re reading this you also know exactly what you’re getting with a Nick Cave performance piece. He is the real deal. A true born and bred artist. There is no stage version or curated Instagram version that differs from the real life version. They are one and the same. Nick Cave is Nick Cave and in certain circles he is Australia’s most famous export. Can you imagine Nick waking up and eating breakfast wearing pajamas or a t-shirt? No, it’s impossible because Lord Cave is always done up to perfection; suited, booted, midnight hair pushed back, and jewelry positioned perfectly. Constantly ready for the spotlight.

The largest applause upon the band taking the stage however, was reserved for Warren Ellis; talented multi-instrumentalist and Nick’s right hand man for decades. The best friend we all wish we had to lean on and create with. Tall, slender, and stylish with a flowing beard, age appropriate receding hair, and a laid back aura reminisent of The Bhagwan himself. Warren is content to remain the guy behind the guy during the show minus the odd outburst of sound like sraddling his electric violin and shredding it around the stage like an emaciated wild boar. Warren might be the coolest man in the world.

In the best sense Nick carries a subtle hint of ‘Sheela’ to Warren’s ‘Bhagwan’ whilst slithering around on-stage in a confrontational manner. When the audience raise their hands in worship as Nick leans close, you’re never sure if he is going to give them a subtle last caress or lash out with a hoot and a push away.

It is this personal interaction with the audience that really makes the film engaging. Nick engages a crowd of 16,000 like they are sitting in his living room. One of the notable details is the lack of cell phones in the audience. Unlike every other show today there is barely a screen to be seen. Concert rules most likely, although when Nick really gets intimate there are those that can’t help to film disobeying all sorts of Laws of Jante.

One would be forgiven for thinking that watching a 2-hour live concert in a movie theatre is akin to surfing a wave pool when there is a whole ocean full of live rock and roll out there. Well this isn’t some “throw a few cameras on tripods and hit record” production. Nick Cave is a pro when it comes to creation and filmmaker David Barnard (who has worked with Bjork, New Order, Radiohead, +) directed a true masterpiece that showcases the feels of a touching performance. Watching Nick hypnotize thousands with battle crys like, “LOOK AT ME NOW!” and taunting, “Shhhhhh…… mother fucker,” it’s obvious there is a deep connection between him and his followers. Who else can make restless social media obsessed youth experience life IN REAL LIFE. Well, the youth have put down their phones and they are ready to create!

Not sure where this can watched next, but if you are into Nick Cave keep your eyes open.

Click to the Distant Sky website and even demand a premiere of your own.

– Sayer


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