Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

DESERT DAZE Come for the Music, Stay for the Debauchery

10.18.18 – TAGS: ,
Photos/Video: Nick Green

“This is America at its finest.” 
Desert Daze is never what you expect it to be. The music festival designed to be unlike any music festival in the history of music festivals did exactly that, again, for the 7th consecutive year. It rained. There was lightning and thunder and the entire thing nearly imploded in a flash storm on the first night, but the spirit of rock and roll prevailed. “This is America at its finest.” We had photographer Nick Green there to capture the madness after the storm, and boy was there madness. And drugs. And other things we won’t mention. Suffice to say, thousands of people, unfettered by mother nature’s inclinations, were definitely getting dazed in the desert. Watch our video and see for yourself. -Maya Eslami
An Offering
Black and Yellow
Kitty Decides
Sand Crab
Sacrificial Lamb
Lack of Color
Pole Dance
I’ll Just Rest Here
Squid Billy
Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid
Bathroom Etiquette
I’m Not Here for the Music
Laser Beams
The Golden Furbie

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