Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

“The F*&cking Catalina Wave Mixer” Novelty Waves and Buffalo Milk


This is Catalina. Between Buffalo country, the casino and legendary wine mixers (think Will Ferrell) the island has been known for many things, surf not being one of them. While most of the boats flee the harbor during Santa Ana winds, Kevin Schulz and Aaron Checkwood were there to capture the novelty waves. The most ideal landscape for shooting waves lies in its mysticism.

Half foot ramps up front, jackpots in the back.

It’s offshore somewhere.


Relax, get a beer already.

Waves on waves on waves.

Avalon Backwash

Santa Ana winds are also known as the devil’s wind to some.

Avalon white caps.

Kevin Schulz earning his buffalo milk. 

Time to grab a drink.

Novelties are the best.

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