Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

“The F*&cking Catalina Wave Mixer” Novelty Waves and Buffalo Milk

This is Catalina. Between Buffalo country, the casino and legendary wine mixers (think Will Ferrell) the island has been known...
what youth recommends harry bryant so fresh

Watch “Rusty So Fresh” Team Rusty plays the hits

Would you look at that it’s another 2017 compilation video being shared in, well… late January 2018. But this is a...
what youth recommends kevin schulz home & away

Watch Kevin Schulz in “Home // Away” Jumping around North America with Kevin Schulz

I woke up this morning, which is always a blessing, but it felt even more so today. There are (some) waves....
what youth recommends

Watch the trailer for “Perilous Sea” A frozen movie shot exclusively in the North Atlantic

Perilous Sea is looking to be the first surf film shot entirely on the different rugged shores of the North...

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