Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Music for times like these Roll yourself into the weekend with this new playlist by Maya Eslami

what youth recommends roll maya eslami

Sometimes you rock, and sometimes you roll. That’s been my theme for this long, hard, fire-engulfed, emotional week. Natural disasters suck. Like really suck. And for the most part, there’s nothing we can do to avoid them, except keep on rolling. So while the state we love slowly burns to embers, remember that from the ash emerges life, and to keep your chin up and roll with the punches, and get out there and do something about it. Make art. Make music. Help people. And while you’re at it, listen to our new “Roll” playlist, filled with soul, R&B, and some African psych to get your body moving and those negative, heavy thoughts out ya head.  —Maya Eslami

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