Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

time for a new wetsuit needESSENTIALS sent us a couple suits and a jacket to give away

You guys, fall is here. And that is great news. And it is even greater today because we can give you a kit that will take you right into the cooler months dialed. needESSENTIALS gave us a 3/2, a 4/3 and a jacket for the upcoming winter. Consider yourself kitted out. We’re throwing in a What Youth beanie, hoodie and long sleeve too, just to supplement your wardrobe.

You’ll remember needESSENTIALS from our party at the ACE for Issue 18 and then when we introduced you guys to the brand a couple months back. Now we have a chance to get you guys on the team.

To enter:

All you have to do is email a pic of your thrashed current wettie to Holes. Rips. Tears. Stains. The more worked the better. We want to see what you’ve been working with and then we wanna get you in some fresh rubber. Send that and a short description of your need to get a new suit for this season. We’ll pick a winner next Thursday.

needESSENTIALS “Steamer” 3/2 & 4/3

What Youth “Gutter” trunks

needESSENTIALS down jacket

What Youth “Stack” Beanie

What Youth Longsleeve

What Youth Hoodie

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