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WY Premiere: Watch “Simone” New video from Chicago’s The Bingers

Remember the cartoon Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats? Well, the Bingers’ new video for “Simone” reminds me so much of those fly felines that I’ve been bingeing on old YouTube videos all morning. The Bingers – that’s bing-ers, not binge-ers – all grew up skating and playing music together, so it’s no wonder their music exudes a sense of carefree grit perfectly in tune with their garage and blues-influenced sound. Not to mention the band members, brothers Ronnie and Teddy and longtime friend Jack, all play their instruments interchangeably, which only amounts to more fun in my brain.

The Bingers recently released their debut album, Stay Satisfied, on local label Tall Pat Records. Self-recorded to tape on an old 8-track, the album’s title is a sly statement for the current state of our world: “while it’s tough to feel good in spite of the constant ‘barrage of daily bullshit’ dominating the news, it’s important to take time out, and let ourselves be distracted with good news from time to time, to keep us feeling ok.” So stay satisfied, everyone, and maybe have some cartoons with your morning coffee today. —Maya Eslami

what youth recommends the bingers

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