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WY Premiere: Watch “Oh Evolution” A new video from Sarah Bethe Nelson

Imagine a song so crunchy with reverb it sounds like it’s spiraling through your AM radio, if you had one of those. And then press play on the new video by Sarah Bethe Nelson, the source behind that nostalgic crunch, and get lost in the airwaves. “Oh Evolution”, off recently released Oh Evolution, is grimy, broody, and filled with fuzzy guitars and the voice of a woman bristling with emotion and self-effacing apathy all at once. Plus, she’s giving me some serious Debbie Harry vibes. Check it out. –Maya Eslami

“Special thanks to Colette Levesque and Winston Merchan for making this video. Shot at Warm Water Cove on a sunny San Francisco afternoon… Evolution!” -Sarah Bethe Nelson 

what youth recommends sarah bethe nelson

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