Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Andy: The Untold Story of Andy Irons Watch the very powerful trailer and see how you can contribute to make the film happen

No shortage of emotion running through the halls this week. And we hope if nothing else we’re all reminded at just how beautiful and poetic we can live life. Dylan Rieder. Andy Irons. These are immortals. Whether you are a close friend or family, or didn’t know them at all, they are such powerful souls that we all have no choice but to feel them, always and forever. And as we all learn to cope with the loss of Dylan yesterday, today we learned of a new film that documents the life of Andy Irons.

You might remember Bruce Irons mentioning it in our Afternoon Interview with him a few months back, but the trailer has been released and they need our help in finishing to film.

View the full length trailer here.

And donate to the Kickstarter to help this film get finished here.

Watch Part 2 of our Afternoon Interview with Bruce here:

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