Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch The Dill and Beeg Project The boys just absolutely nailed it

Friday night in Venice, California I sat and watched this movie at the premiere that Dillon Perillo and Brendon Gibbens hosted. Brendon was nervous. Dillon was nervous. And it was pretty rad to see them put the whole night on by themselves. They handed out drink tickets themselves. Said hello to family and friends, did a strange, off the cuff intro to the film together — which ended up being charming and sick — and then the lights went down and they hit play.

I was sitting next to Oliver Kurtz and by the end of the first section, we were both in awe. Punching each other after each clip. The boys had found some of the world’s biggest ramps and hit them with authority. It felt raw, but also stylish. Off beat, but damn strong. Both their styles are so good, and this vid shows they they can tweak it when they want. The film felt like them: a great representation of two dudes who don’t want to compete, but want to rip across the world.  And for my money, especially for a regularlfooter, this is the best release in a long time: no frills, just really well-documented surfing, produced incredibly well. It’s your pop-in-right-before-leaving-for-the-beach vid.

And now, today, you can see for yourself right here. Watch The Dill and Beeg Project now and bookmark this one for multiple viewings. —Travis

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