Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends landslide trailer vans

“Landline” The Official Trailer Vans’ new snowboard film shot entirely on Kodak 16mm

Vans proudly presents their first-ever full-length snowboard film, Landline. Shot on Kodak 16mm, the film documents the raw talents and eclectic personalities of...

“Landline” coming soon New Vans Snowboard Film shot entirely on Kodak 16mm

Vans proudly presents their first-ever full-length snowboard film, Landline. Shot on Kodak 16mm, the film documents the raw talents and eclectic personalities of...
what youth recommends blake myers showreel 2017

Watch Blake Myers’ ShowReel This…and he has a winning record against Gabriel Medina

Blake Myers once beat Gabriel Medina (and Keanu Asing) in a heat at the ISA World games. It’s still one...
what youth recommends

WY Premiere: “Superior (Gitchi Gami)” A Cannes-accepted Super 8 film by Laura-Lynn Petrick

Laura-Lynn Petrick, one of my favorite photographers, also happens to be an incredibly talented director. So it was no surprise...
what youth lomo giveaway

Enter to win a new film camera Get the new Lomo’Instant Film Camera by entering here

We have one of these at the office and it gets used nearly daily. Whoever comes in we snap. It’s...
Dillon Perillo, Brendon Gibbens, the Dill and beeg project

Watch The Dill and Beeg Project The boys just absolutely nailed it

Friday night in Venice, California I sat and watched this movie at the premiere that Dillon Perillo and Brendon Gibbens...
what youth recommends volcom psychic migrations surfing

Frame Grabs from Psychic Migrations World Premiere of Volcom’s new film is tonight at the Edwards Big 6 in Newport Beach

Volcom hasn’t made a full-length, all-in surf film since The Bruce Movie. They released a few awesome cult classics of...
what youth recommends mattson 2 music

Twinchronicity: A Movie on The Mattson 2 New Film Needs Your Help

The Mattson 2 were featured in What Youth Issue 9, and they’ve been jamming since birth. Literally, according to them:...

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