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Hear Cass McCombs’ New Song “Omie Wise” Announces new album Skifflin’

Cass McCombs is always pretty low-key when it comes to details about his music. So when news of a new album drops with a single premiere, we can’t help but get a little giddy. For this round of tricks, McCombs has teamed up with some crazy talented musicians to form a new band he’s calling the Skiffle Players. Comprised of Neal Casal, Dan Horne, Farmer Dave Scher and Aaron Sperske, these dudes have all contributed and/or been members of Beachwood Sparks, Jonathan Wilson, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, Father John Misty and Kurt Vile.

Listen to the first single off the album, “Omie Wise”

Skifflin’ comes out February 12th on Spiritual Pajamas, the Santa Cruz label behind the Entrance Band and Light Fantastic. Enjoy. —Maya Eslami


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