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WY Recommends: Vissla 7 Seas Wetsuits Watch the vid, but more importantly, order one

Video: Vissla

I’ve never really been able “to jump up a tax bracket” due to insufficient salary. But what I have been able to do in this life, thanks to the industry that surrounds me, is get free shit. And while I do enjoy the occasional surf shop experience to buy ding repair, check the displays and see what the shop groms are into, I don’t really need to buy anything there. I worked in one long enough to claim that. And now, I can usually finagle a wardrobe, a new wettie, shoes, boards and decks relatively easily thanks to close friends, and still not be a complete asshole mooch. Call it the perks of being a surf dude editor guy. But I need to try this shit so you know what to buy.

That being said, sometimes when you get free shit, you end up with stuff you don’t necessarily want. Or it’s a version of what you want that isn’t right for you. And you can’t exactly swap it out when you don’t pay. So you make due and end up with average stuff. And no one needs anymore average in their life. Average is everywhere. It sucks.

But recently (like yesterday) Vissla released their 7 Seas wetsuits and I must say, I’m laying down the credit card, literally — I’m going buy one myself. I dig the colors. I dig the minimalist branding. And they’re butter smooth without costing a month’s salary. It’s a good wetsuit for me. I go through them quick. Hell, I may get two.

So anyway, I highly recommend them, as you saw here, but they made this clever video and I wanted to tell you that I like them again.—Travis 

Buy yours here. 


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