Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Growlers Unleash New Music Video There’s No Way To Give Her a “Love Test”

Our favorite surfer beach goth dudes The Growlers released their latest video for “Love Test,” off their 2014 album Chinese Fountain. Directed by Taylor Bonin, who does all of their videos and photography and tour managing and generally keeps these boys in line, “Love Test” comes off as a mock dating show in a shady red light district Chinese lounge, with The Growlers in tuxes and tailcoats and bow ties, bopping around while singer Brooks Nielsen, acting as host, escorts some hotties to fortune teller machines to, you know, take a love test.
You know they say it aint easy loving the same woman forever, he sings. Wish you luck on finding a good one on your hearts’ endeavor.
Thanks boys.—Maya Eslami

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