WY Premiere: BOYTOY Listen to single “Mary Anne” off their brand new record
BOYTOY, our favorite Brooklyn-based babe shredders, have a new album dropping April 27th, and we are beyond stoked to premiere...

Listen to Donnie Emerson & Dreamin’ Wild And vibe on their new song, “Searchin'”
If you haven’t heard of Donnie Emerson, of Donnie & Joe Emerson fame, get ready for a heavy dose of...

WY Premiere: Peach Kelli Pop Watch their video for killer new track “Crooked & Crazy”
Peach Kelli Pop sounds exactly like their name: warm, bright, poppy, like your favorite flavor of zebra fruit stripe chewing...

Listen to Habibi And catch them live 1/29 at the Moroccan Lounge
Cultural identity is always a powerful force in any creative endeavor, and for Habibi, that energy is ready to explode....

WY Premiere: Spike Vincent Listen to “Lie In The Dust”
It’s rare for a song to float into my horizon and immediately overwhelm my senses with pure positive bliss. But...

WY Premiere: Sufis Watch “Made Me Leave/Crispy Grapes II”
Sufis, the duo of musicians Calvin Laporte and Evan Smith, met once upon a time over their love of the...

WY Premiere: “Everything U No” Watch the new video from The Prefab Messiahs
The Prefab Messiahs are a post-punk band with actual credibility, considering they formed in 1981 amid the peak of DIY...

Noa Deane Walks Into A Record Store Dusting off sleeves at Burger Records
Hard to say no to anything featuring Noz. Even when it’s just a brief little vid of him pilfering records off...

WY Premiere: Tracy Bryant Watch His New Video “Forever Certain”
Tracy Bryant is a man of constant ambition. After debuting his incredible solo album Subterranean last year – which landed songs on...

WY Premiere: Watch “Oh Evolution” A new video from Sarah Bethe Nelson
Imagine a song so crunchy with reverb it sounds like it’s spiraling through your AM radio, if you had one...

WY Premiere: Tony Price Watch his debut video, “I Prefer Coca Cola”
You may recognize Tony Price as the producer for indie gems like U.S. Girls and Michael Rault, but as his own...

WY Premiere: Death Valley Girls Watch their new video for “Pink Radiation”
We’re obsessed with Death Valley Girls. These LA rock queens (and Larry) slay in the best way, and released their...

Listen to Gap Dream’s New Single From upcoming bedroom loner pop album, This is Gap Dream
Gap Dream, the brainchild of one-man band Gabe Fulvimar, has a new album coming out July 22nd on Burger Records,...

Listen to Pink Mexico And stream their new album fool
Pink Mexico, LA’s latest musical addition to the fuzzy garage scene dominating our eardrums, has linked up with Burger Records...

Watch “Walk Away” by Tomorrows Tulips New music video by Distractor
What do Spacemen 3 and David Bowie have in common? The new Tomorrows Tulips video for their single “Walk Away”,...

5 Years of Fun with Burger Records The Observatory and Burger Records present a 5-day music festival starting next week
Next week, starting on Monday March 7th, Burger Records and the Observatory in Orange County will unleash their Five Years...

Conversation with: Tracy Bryant New Album “Subterranean” releases today on Burger Records
WHAT YOUTH: When’d you start playing music? TRACY BRYANT: I started when I was really young, playing piano when...

Headlines and Quotes from WY Issue 12 Like Craig Anderson on charging: “I’m a bipoler medium wave surfer. I’m all in, sort of.”
What Youth Issue 12 is out now. You know that. But it’s also going fast. Which is both fun and...

Beau Foster and Ellis Ericson Score South Oz is sharky and really good
Not even sure what you do after a day of tubes like this. But Beau and Ellis probably figured it...