A lot has changed in a year for Noa Deane. Last summer, his visit to CA would have been a pretty off the radar affair. A few hellos and some shitty surfs in Newport shorebreak. But over the course of 2014, Noa has, umm, kinda been blowing up. With new sponsor deals, loads of hype, film projects and some hammertime web clips dropping, Noa’s 2014 summer trip to CA was a whole new party, with obligations, parties, sponsor visits, multiple movie premieres, autograph signings and the whole enchilada — not to mention he never dawned a single jersey in competition the whole time.
One stop on his itinerary was to the new Rusty HQ in Laguna Beach, where he pawed some new ’90s inspired sleds complete with Todd Chesser-inspired flame sprays, raided the candy bin, snagged a new wardrobe and gave away some boards with us that featured his photos. We tagged along, because Noa’s funny. And the new Rusty office has good candy and coffee.
Noa California A What Youth Original

Temporary Vacation, Part 1 A What Youth original short
Laughter, delirium, caffeine, skateboarding, trash humping, girl hunting and lots of punting.

New Typewriters Dane and Dillon in San Francisco
Dane and Dillon are both contributing writers in the first issue of What Youth Quarterly, and in the fine tradition of writers past they made for San Francisco, and caught a wave. What Youth Quarterly, Issue One is off to the printers. It’ll be available for online purchase here at whatyouth.com this month. Sign up…

Roof Walls Craig At home with Craig Anderson
One whole week at Craig’s house in Newcastle with no waves to speak of. Instead, a vignette of domestic moments.

Seat 26c Sitting between Mitch Coleborn and Craig Anderson on a plane
Ever sat between Mitch Coleborn and Craig Anderson on a plane? We have. And now you have too. Kinda.