A lot has changed in a year for Noa Deane. Last summer, his visit to CA would have been a pretty off the radar affair. A few hellos and some shitty surfs in Newport shorebreak. But over the course of 2014, Noa has, umm, kinda been blowing up. With new sponsor deals, loads of hype, film projects and some hammertime web clips dropping, Noa’s 2014 summer trip to CA was a whole new party, with obligations, parties, sponsor visits, multiple movie premieres, autograph signings and the whole enchilada — not to mention he never dawned a single jersey in competition the whole time.
One stop on his itinerary was to the new Rusty HQ in Laguna Beach, where he pawed some new ’90s inspired sleds complete with Todd Chesser-inspired flame sprays, raided the candy bin, snagged a new wardrobe and gave away some boards with us that featured his photos. We tagged along, because Noa’s funny. And the new Rusty office has good candy and coffee.
Noa California A What Youth Original

Noa California A What Youth Original
A lot has changed in a year for Noa Deane. Last summer, his visit to CA would have been a pretty off the radar affair. A few hellos and some shitty surfs in Newport shorebreak. But over the course of 2014, Noa has, umm, kinda been blowing up. With new sponsor deals, loads of hype,…

Crack A What Youth original short featuring Jack Freestone and Dillon Perillo
This trip came together within 6 hours during a crowded California holiday weekend and the next thing we knew we were sweating and running across the world’s hottest sand in Mexico. Going right. All day.

Church of Type A What Youth Original by Jeremy Asher Lynch
Enter the beautiful world of Kevin Bradley, a Knoxville, Tennessee native and owner of Santa Monica print shop Church of Type.

Riding Bareback The house and home and surfing of Jay Davies
I went on a bit of a rant the other night over chips and salsa regards to how gnarly Jay Davies is at surfing. After watching enough slogging on the WQS webcasts to last me a few lifetimes, I needed to see something to get me psyched and remind me that we still have cowboys…

Chippa Wilson #0005 From the Univ shaping bay to the Hawaiian Sea
This is the fifth surfboard Chippa has shaped in his life — and with a little coaching from Benji Weatherley — it came out…well, it looked good…and by the end of his first surf, Chippa managed to get the hang of it.

2013 Memoirs A year in review
Let’s skip the cliche’s: 2013 is done and gone, but we recorded most of it. So here it is, set to what is most definitely our most medieval tune ever (thanks Cukr!). If we could find a way to warn you we would, but we’re already on the run into 2014. Happy New Year to…

Creed in Black and White Let’s go surfing
Creed McTaggart is from Western Australia. But over the course of this year he probably hasn’t spent much time there. But somehow he managed to log this sick clip in between it all. A moody, thrashing little part that we’ve deemed the perfect prescription for today. Let the orchestra play! All in black and white….

In Cursive A What Youth short film starring Dane Reynolds
When you combine his use of spontaneity, style, aggression and joy for surfin’ with his fascination for overlooked lines and moments, there is still no one on the planet we’d rather watch. This is a short film starring Dane Reynolds. Enjoy the details.

Watch Venga Venga Mitch Coleborn in Mexico on Super 8
Mitch Coleborn synced up with filmmaker Jack Coleman — literally, Jack’s a maker of films, on film, not memory cards, real legit celluloid panels in a mechanical camera. We sent Mitch and Jack out into the world together with no clear assignment or parameters. Jack tells what happened next: Jack Coleman: With Mitch we set…

4:45 At Arto’s An afternoon at Arto Saari’s backyard pool
It’s afternoons like this that make you happy to live and exist in this particular moment.

The Devil’s Teeth A What Youth short by Riley Blakeway
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Sometimes the water turns brown and it rains all day and dead cows wash up onto the shark infested beach you’re surfing. And if you’re there to document this, and you’re Riley Blakeway, you’re stoked, because something unique has happened. You have a hook. It is usually your nightmare…

End of the River Nate Tyler surfing at home
The End of the River is our first experiment in a new series called The Auteurs. The goal is to challenge filmmakers to experiment with the online short. The first is with our own Victor Pakpour. He was sent by us with specific instructions to Central California to shoot with Nate Tyler. He threw our…