As Dane Reynolds pointed out to us yesterday on Instagram, there is a new film coming out called, “This is Us.” It is about the boy band One Directions and the trailer has 11 million views — so it would appear they’re doing quite well. Psyched for them. Funny, the concept isn’t much different than ours either, only we go to bullfights and shit.
Like this one here. Wade Goodall, Noa Deane, Brendon Gibbens and Dion Agius went to this local bullfight in Spain when the waves went flat in France. We brown bagged it with a few beers and watched some local madmen jump over, tease and dance with the bulls. And while many of you may have already fake read Hemingway’s classic story The Sun Also Rises, it’s always nice to chew on an excerpt from Hemingway. He knows how to describe a bullfight. Maybe even better than me.
So to recap: I’ve mentioned Dane Reynolds, One Direction, bullfighting and Ernest Hemingway in 3 paragraphs. I’m clocking out.
Excerpt from Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
“My God, isn’t he beautiful?” Brett said. We were looking right down on him.
“Look how he knows how to use his horns,” I said. “He’s got a left and a right just like a boxer.”
“Not really?”
“You watch.”
“It goes too fast.”
“Wait. There’ll be another one in a minute.”
They had backed up another cage into the entrance. In the far corner a man, from behind one of the plank shelters, attracted the bull, and while the bull was facing away the gate was pulled up and a second bull came out into the corral.
He charged straight for the steers and two men ran out from behind the planks and shouted, to turn him. He did not change his direction and the men shouted: “Hah! Hah! Toro!” and waved their arms; the two steers turned sideways to take the shock, and the bull drove into one of the steers.
“Don’t look,” I said to Brett. She was watching, fascinated.
“Fine,” I said. “If it doesn’t buck you.”
“I saw it,” she said. “I saw him shift from his left to his right horn.”
“Damn good!”
The steer was down now, his neck stretched out, his head twisted, he lay the way he had fallen. Suddenly the bull left off and made for the other steer which had been standing at the far end, his head swinging, watching it all. The steer ran awkwardly and the bull caught him, hooked him lightly in the flank, and then turned away and looked up at the crowd on the walls, his crest of muscle rising. The steer came up to him and made as though to nose at him and the bull hooked perfunctorily. The next time he nosed at the steer and then the two of them trotted over to the other bull.
Bullshit rodeo in Spain durring filming for This Is Us: France Collected Thoughts 054
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