Lost at Sea with Brother B-Sides From The Boat Trip
You may feel the need to adjust the tracking on your computer, but don’t, it’s just because this footage was shot on a handy cam. Like the one that recorded your t-ball games. Raw B-Sides from the boat trip we did with Brother, Taj, Tanner Luke and Ian. Just a little tribute to one of…

Jonathan Richman at Don’s Where was the door to Bohemia?
“It’s better to be known as a sincere person in the darkness, than a fake person in the lightness.” —Jonathan Richman Don the Beachcomber is an old, eclectic and strange tiki bar in Surfside, California. The story you get after three rums from the bartender is that somewhere underground is a tunnel to the surf that they…

Watch Dolan Stearns X-Games Part And vote for him (we did)
Dolan Stearns released a rad part yesterday for the X-Games “real” street skateboarding part. And it’s just a reminder about how freestyle and raw Dolan skates. Love the creativity. Love the style. He got our vote. And you can watch the part below and vote for him, just like we did. Above is our Fairly Normal on…

Ozzie Wright ripping Right until the last drop
I think there’s a fin being sold underneath all this shredding, but that’s fine. The surfing is good, and hell, the fin looks fun too. Love how Ozzie seems to always surf a wave until it’s last drop. Like there’s fun in every wave and he’s taking it all.

Interview with Design Icon David Carson From What Youth Issue 11
David Carson is a graphic design guru. His first book, with Lewis Blackwell, The End of Print, is the top-selling graphic design book of all time. Newsweek wrote that he “changed the public face of graphic design.” London-based Creative Review called him “the most famous graphic designer on the planet.” I first encountered his work…

On the Periphery Aesthetically perfect photography from Sinziana Velicescu
Sinziana Velicescu is a 25-year old photographer and filmmaker whose work brings to life the doorways, barred windows and signage of Los Angeles in harmonious and still images. She captures silent moments in time, focusing on the marks on empty streets left behind by it’s inhabitants. The kinds of photos that make you say, “Oh…

Refused Release New Video “Dawkins Christ” off new LP “Freedom”, out June 30th
Refused released a new video from their upcoming album Freedom — out June 30th on Epitaph, and yes, we’ve pre-ordered — and fuck is it ever good. This video features disturbing images of lava, birds of prey and Hieronymus Bosch paintings. So we recommend it, of course.

Watch the Trailer for “CURT” A Documentary Film about Surfing’s Oldest Grom
We’ve known Curt Harper since we were groms ourself. He’s been on the Hurley team for years and he’s a surf community legend and great reminder of why we all surf — and he’s also quite the competitor. As Dane says, “Anyone who goes surfing in Southern California knows Curt — he’s famous.” And we’re…

Mac DeMarco Releases New Video Title Track Off Mini-LP “Another One”, Out August 7th

Twinchronicity: A Movie on The Mattson 2 New Film Needs Your Help

Off Beat: Jay Davies Episode 022: Thoughts on competing, Emus, roosters and more

Tony Trujillo, Tampa, Circa 2000 Back Den 043

Something for the eyes A Visual Experience featuring D’Blanc’s new Lucite Anthology

American made Brixton Trunks Dyer Brand Surfboards and Brixton collab on some good-looking trunks

This is why we love Yago Dora Straight forward ripping in Brazil

Conversation with: Cosmonauts Live from The Echo, with a Hollywood Video reference!

Misguided Men with a Journal The defining “SurfCore” article came out. And it sucks.

New What Youth Shirt Matt Maust Collaboration On Sale Now

Listen to Flesh World New Album The Wild Animals in My Life

What Youth Artist Series: Matt Maust Episode 001: A What Youth Original Series

Craig Anderson at Desert Point Full Gallery Photographed by Nate Lawrence

Meet Matt Maust Artist/Musician from What Youth Issue 11

What Noa Deane Rips In Rusty Releases Metal Aloha Trunks

Listen to Dope Body Trash Rock Freaks out of Baltimore

Stefan Janoski, Costa Mesa, CA 2013 Back Den 042

ONE ROLL 007: Darren Ankenman New York in Spring

Photo Credit: Jack Belli Portfolio 018

5 Books to Fuel Your Existential Crisis Don’t have an existential crisis? Get one this weekend

3 Cocktails for Summer What Youth Drinks for a Crowd

Listen to Total Control Good Music out of Melbourne, Australia

The Newsstand: Junkzine 1 For Junkies and Crumblers: A zine by Gregory Siff