What Youth Stickers and cameras On Sale Now in the What Youth Shop
We printed a ton of new stickers and put them on sale now in the What Youth shop. Click here and stock up. We also made some What Youth disposable cameras. And yes, they work, we’ve used them, and printed photos in our magazines that were shot on these, so, grab one and get shooting. Buy…
New What Youth Shirts On sale now in the WY Shop
A new batch of What Youth shirts are all now available in the What Youth shop. Click here to go shopping. Let’s look good on the back half of summer 2015 together. PS: Mitch Coleborn (above) did some some hang drying of his this morning.
Office Space: Curren Caples We got a new ramp and Curren rolled on it Presented by Monster
We got a new ramp: The Hager Brothers Cody and Jared came in one day, saw our tiny mini ramp, tore it out and upgraded our office in a big way. A few days later, it’s live. And to get a handle on what’s possible on it, we invited Curren Caples over for a quick…
Off Beat: Austyn Gillette Episode 023: On American healthcare, selling out and being a “surfer’s skater”
We have Austyn Gillette on the brain. For a lot of reasons really, some obvious ones being his ridiculous skating and new Huf part (below), his personality, his style, his new shoe, his music, his ability to be the master of ceremonies at a surf film (see below again). And because he’s a fucking good, creative…
Tuff World Premiere Ripping, moshing and beautiful faces with Rusty and What Youth
“That bar is my spirit animal!” is what Tanner Rozunko said when we told him we were doing the TUFF premiere at Don the Beachcomber and that we wanted his band The Rooms to play. The place is a tiki labyrinth of rum and pineapple. And last night it proved the perfect backdrop for a midsummer’s…
Tom Curren in France Collected Thoughts 078
Tom Curren in France during a warm September day surfing La Graviere. What else could you ask for? The sandbar this year was so perfect. It was 10 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. I drove up the coast from Biarritz with Luke Stedman and it was perfect offshore and barreling…
Watch: Brixton Broadcast Barcelona 7 Bands, 2 Nights, 1 amazing city
You can’t just buy a movement. You have to sweat, rock, drink, swerve, stay out all night and let it ferment and become musical compost that eventually grows into a full blown rock and roll sunflower — that’s how you create a real movement. And that’s what Brixton has been doing all over the world. Berlin….
TUFF Premiere Tonight Rusty and What Youth present a new short film starring Noa Deane with Josh Kerr and Dylan Goodale
Noz is here. Kerrzy is here. Goodale as well. And pretty much everyone else who shreds at something is in town. So we’re having a party. And we’ve got a new short film starring Noa with Rusty teammates Josh Kerr and Dylan Goodale. We’ll be hanging out at our spirit animal bar Don the Beachcomber in Huntington…