Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Vundabar tour photos by Caitlin McCann To celebrate the release of their new album Gawk

Vundabar is a rockband from Boston. And Caitlin McCann is an extremely talented photographer based in New York (imagine Mike Brodie if he shot music.) Vundabar released a new album today (Jul.24) called GAWK and you can listen to it here.

Caitlin toured with Vundabar from the east coast to California and took pictures. Here are the pictures, and check out her website here. She wrote this about the tour.

“I missed my college graduation to tour the U.S. with Vundabar. I had my last class for life, moved out of my apartment in NY, and left for tour all within a week to spend a month and a half crammed in a mini van with three dudes who just wanted to cower over microphones and sing songs of satirical wit every night. And hike. And camp. And we did just that. Boston to California and all the country in between. Good shows and shit shows. Idiot size to get thru the drive. Brandon ate the mic every night. 24 hour hangovers and summer sweat soaked basements. Drew broke his glasses and New Mexico desert broke my shoes. Grocery store aisle antics, Zack’s good at making people uncomfortable in traffic. They made me laugh so hard that I cried all the god damn time…” – Caitlin McCann


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