Books we recommend for holiday break Spark up a fire and put some words through your mind for the holidays.
The next two weeks are an opportunity. A break. A moment to find clarity and inspiration. For most of us, in between the family gatherings and trips and travel and chaos there is a year wrapping up, and an opportunity to squeak in one or two more books to our count for the year. And believe…

Watch “Nora” presented by adidas Nora Vasconcellos is the first female Pro skater to join adidas Skateboarding
We’ve always loved Nora’s skating and charisma on and off a board. Thanks to adidas Skateboarding we get to watch people talk about just that for 20 minutes. From adidas Skateboarding: In celebration of the first female Pro rider to join the global adidas Skateboarding team, we are proud to present “Nora”, a digital short…

Watch Shaun Manners’ Epøkhe Intro Family manners
Shaun Manners is from the same little zone as Creed McTaggart. So it makes perfect sense he’s joining Creed and everyone else on the Epøkhe fam. And how fun is he to watch? The wave-rich West Oz backdrop isn’t too hard on the eyes either.

The Top 10 Music Videos of 2017 Do people still watch music vids? Well, we do, and these are our favorites from the year
This year in music videos, it was all about the flash. The hook. The catch. Whatever you wanna call it. That moment when you realize you’ve had your eyes glued to your laptop for three whole uninterrupted minutes, which is a long time for our overstimulated scroll happy brains. I watched one thousand videos over…

Watch “Yago Out17” “How does he make it look so easy?” said everyone here after watching this
Yago cleared off his hard drive for 2017 and gave us this lovely Cure-soundtracked bit of shred. Always effortless. But always gnarly. Watch Yago in Hello, Sea:

WY Premiere: Beechwood Listen to new track “C/F”
NYC-based glam punk trio Beechwood are no strangers to the dirty side of the law. Earlier this year, drummer and vocalist Isa Tineo and bassist Sydney Simons were arrested during an outdoor show for “reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, resisting arrest, obstructing government administration and disorderly conduct.” The whole thing was caught on social media and…

Watch The Shrine’s New Video For “Never More Than Now” featuring Keith Morris
The Shrine know how to thrash. And I mean thrash in the sense of blowing fire out of their mouths (because what else would you fucking do if you’re the Shrine) in an indoor venue and almost getting 86’ed for life. But turns out everyone loves this band, especially Black Flag’s Keith Morris, who recently…

Watch “Chippa’s Gone Soft” In a world full of soft top gimmicks: This is not that
Chippa Wilson is the reigning What Youth World Champ. And his performance on a Duo, in the new Epokhe movie, in “Hello, Sea” and his general demeanor has him pushing for a back-to-back title. This edit just proves that he can take something we’ve kinda deemed “fun” or “gimmicky” and turned it into a hammer…

Watch The Road to Spannabis Hop in with Bruce Irons, Asher Pacey and Balaram Stack as they road trip through Portugal, Spain and France en route to Spannabis. Presented by Weed Maps

The What Youth Wish List Here are all the things we want this holiday season, which is probably stuff you or the youth on the run in your life will want

Jump on the ROAD TO SPANNABIS Bruce Irons, Balaram Stack and Asher Pacey join pro skaters on a European Road Trip

Friend Aid is Saturday in Newport Beach Live music and live auction benefitting those affected by the California wild fires

Listen to Milk Music It’ll do your body good

Save What Youth Dot Com And the rest of our little digital realm for that matter

Epøkhe Introduces Taj Burrow Another fine addition to an already stellar group

Watch “Lost & Foundy Ep.1” Corey Glick’s iPhone tapes from filming with Foundation crew

Watch “frog hjalte” The Frog Skateboards team skating around NYC

Watch Parker And Conner Coffin In Hawaii Young Wise Tails returns after a brief hiatus

Watch Lee Wilson’s “If” Happy Monday here’s some highly enjoyable surfing to take your mind off things.

Photo Credit: Thomas Fire Portfolio 036: Chet Williams and Trent Stevens document the fires in California

RIP Bruce Brown The man responsible for surfing’s greatest celluloid achievement is gone, but there’s no chance we’ll ever forget him

Music for times like these Roll yourself into the weekend with this new playlist by Maya Eslami

Forced Creativity In a Musty Place Or, the art of throwing empty pint glasses at a laptop and expecting results

Watch Illegal Civ’s “Summer of ’17” A short film by Mikey Alfred

Fairly Normal: Cam Richards Episode 025: A trip into the deep south for a story that was far from ending @sealtooth

Watch Val Bauer “En Transit” A short skate film by Blake Myers shot on location in Paris

WY Premiere: “Everything U No” Watch the new video from The Prefab Messiahs

Rhetorical Question: Want A New Board? Because the guys at Superbrand want to hook you up.

EPØKHE Introduces CHIPPA WILSON Two things that make sense together

December 7 is “Cult of Freedom” Day! Which means movies and free food and drink at all Globe stores

Ty Segall Can Do No Wrong Listen to his cover of Hot Chocolate’s “Every 1’s A Winner”