Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Fade to Purple Starring Matt Meola A new clip made entirely of part-ending worthy clips

Seriously, this is getting out of control. These Maui guys are island cowboys swayed by no trends, surf to the beat of their own drummer and drop clips that you cannot ignore. Nor should you. And they do it with a charismatic smile. They’re spinning, Jaws-charging aquatic daredevils of the sea. There must be something in the wind. This part from Matt Meola features a whole segment worth of part-ending clips. Including the doozy backhand reverse to absolute flat from What Youth Issue 3, one of our favorite photos of all time.

These clips are nearly all gnarly enough to deserve this Prince song.

Watch Fairly Normal: Matt Meola: 

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