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Dead Moon to Play Berserktown II This weekend at the Observatory in Santa Ana

What Youth recommends dead moon

What are you doing this weekend? Staring at your computer? Sitting at the bar waiting for your friends to call you back? Forget all that and buy a 3 day pass to Berserktown II.

Lust For Youth, The Mob (Crass Records), Career Suicide, Scalped, Sheer Mag and Thee Oh Sees and others will be playing The Observatory in Orange County. If that isn’t enough to convince you, Dead Moon will be playing their last Southern California show (if not last show ever) at Berserktown. Guitarist and front man Fred Cole recently went through open heart surgery, and although him and his wife (bassist for Dead Moon, Toody Cole) love life on the road, it seems like it might be too much these days. So come out and see one of Portland’s most legendary bands before it’s too late. —Andrew Compton


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