Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

4 CITIES: PAT SCHMIDT Episode 7 History Runs Deep with the Schmidt Family in Manasquan, New Jersey

11.05.18 – TAGS: , , ,
Video: Corey Frank/Thor

I first met Pat in Hawaii a few years back. He was this tall, lanky dude from New Jersey who was cruising with a posse of East Coasters over at the Volcom House. His dad Larry introduced himself as “Meat Face.” At the time I didn’t know that was his dad. And it tripped me out having to call someone “Meat Face.” But the more I got to know Pat and his family, the more I grew to love them. They’re just a bunch of good old boys from New Jersey. His family ties to Manasquan go back generations. His grandfather Larry “The First.” owned a restaurant called Union Landing. There’s even a bumper sticker that floats around Manasquan that says, “I Got Schmidt Faced at Union Landing.” The whole family worked there, bartending, bussing tables. It was a family heirloom that they eventually sold recently, but kept their roots planted in the Manasquan area.

His brothers, Larry III and Taco, went the other route and totally rip at skating. They’re humble kids with amazing roots. Much like a lot of families on the East Coast. Pat can also be found getting mysto with Quincy up in Montauk with his lady, Quincy Davis. So sit back and let Pat show us around his beloved city, Manasqaun, New Jersey.


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