Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Artisanal Surfboard Making Watch Vissla’s new series on making a surfboard from start to finish with Travis Reynolds (PT. 1)

In What Youth Issue 9 we addressed the rapid extinction of artisans. And it was an unlikely conversation with a friend — Chris Carter (creator and writer of the X-Files) who reminded us of that. During a stop by, he reiterated that it would be artisans who would save us in the long run. And how they would be the people to get us through this next rocky patch of humanity. And boys has he proved right. Let’s remember what matters. Here’s a quick excerpt from Issue 9 before we get deep with Travis Reynolds in the shaping bay:

We’re living in a time where professional curating comes from who we thought were our most respected sources and creators. Where social media interns and specialists run the show and click-bait is the new textbook. And we’re going to need artisans to save us. People who are too radical for Instagram. Too focused on making something better to regularly “post” every day. The patient ones. The mad ones. The ones who make 22 great records instead of one hit. The ones who run like Neal Cassidy but obsess like pilots. We need more of those ones. —(from WY Issue 9) 

This new series from Vissla addresses that, and shows the detailed process of creating one of our favorite pieces of art: the surfboard, with Santa Cruz shaping artists Travis Reynolds. Tune in. And check back next week to it see it glassed.

Check out Vissla here for more artisanal creation.

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