Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch PACCBET [movie] The new skate brand we love is from Russia and they made this movie

A while back, our good friend Julian Klincewicz mentioned that he was gonna be in LA for about 2 weeks showing his friends around skating. Turns out his friends are a very talented group of people who started clothing brand PACCBET with Gosha Rubchinskiy. They are from Russia and hadn’t been to the USA for a skate trip before. We went with them to Lake Elsinore and met up with Dolan Stearns. We skated LA and SD and shot photos along the way. Here you can hop on the road with them in their new movie PACCBET [movie] and be sure to grab What Youth Issue 18. Inside you can read  a more in depth conversation between Julian and Tolia Titaev as they discuss starting a brand, skateboarding in Russia vs America, skating in the Olympics and more.

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