Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Help Save a Wave this weekend I promise one day you will want to go to this Caribbean spot

Video: Blake Myers

I recently did a one week vanishing act to Bocas Del Toro in Panama. A friend has a spot there, and a boat, so we zipped around surfing, eating, diving and generally wandering euphorically. It was one of the most incredible places I’ve been or ever will be. Taj Burrow said the exact same thing after he went there too. The people, the landscape, the islands, the water…all of it incredible.

Today I got word from that friend that there’s an Argentinian man (who’s allegedly a member of Surfrider Foundation) who’s heading a development plan to build a massive pier in the channel at Paunch, one of the sickest waves there. The original plan was as small personal dock, but yesterday when construction crews rolled up to build it, they started drilling into the reef and following blueprints for a multi-level, 130-foot T-Shaped pier, jutting out into the lineup. Immediately locals, like Scott Balogh from Red Frog Bungalows rallied a crew to protest the drilling.

Watch “Panama is Certain” above with Taj and Dion,just about every time they go left its at Paunch.

Click over to Surfer Magazine to read the knitty gritty details, but if you wanna get straight to it, sign the petition here and keep an eye. People are sketchy, don’t drill into reefs. Let’s save another wave, we want to see you get to one day.

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