Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Brixton Broadcast Chicago Featuring a band that really likes to party: Natural Child

Not all that long ago we were living it up with the Brixton guys in Chicago. We drank beer (some of our favorite beer we’ve ever drank actually). We toured the lovely, rain soaked neighborhood of Wicker Park. We also then went to the World Famous music venue The Empy Bottle. The kind of place that has zero pretense to it. It is a dive bar that has seen some incredible bands come through. And we got to go backstage in their green room that has walls full of stories and we made our very own on this cold Chicago night. Then we went mad with Natural Child. 

It was a rowdy, liquor-fueled crowd that jostled about to Natural Child — a band who gave us some much needed, sturdy, midwestern rock ‘n’ roll. We got down. We got a little dirty. We had a good freaking time. Watch above. 

And watch all the Brixton Broadcast videos from our time in at the Empty Bottle in Chicago below:

Half Rats: 

Aquarian Blood: 

The Yolks:

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