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Go to Deathstock Festival II This weekend in the enchanted forest of Guerneville, CA

Deathstock Festival music

Deathstock Fest is back again for a second year. June 17-19. Tucked away in a serene little forest town in Northern California called Guerneville, the festival is sure to rile this peaceful wooded town awake.

But seriously and literally, drop what you’re doing and check this out because it’s happening this weekend. The lineup is a refreshing bunch of bands, not just your usual list of festival regulars. It’s perfect for anyone looking for a quick escape to kick off summer 2016. And it’s worth mentioning that Holy Shit, White Fence and Sonny and the Sunsets are all playing and bound to blow you away.

We have an exclusive compilation of some of the bands playing at Deathstock and got to do a rapid-fire interview with The Memories, Mild High Club and Teenage Chain (just a couple of our personal favorites playing). Listen to the playlist, check out the interviews and then go fill your weekend with sexy music in the woods. —Asal Shahindoust 

The Memories: A self proclaimed “modern love song band” from Portland, Oregon:

Three albums everyone should own?

Femme Fatale – Britney Spears
2001 and The Chronic – Dr. Dre
Dumb and Dumber – Soundtrack

Two favorite songs to play live?

“Bad Fish” Sublime
“You Need a Big Man”

One city you’ve never played yet that you really want to play?

Tokyo, Japan

Which bands should everyone definitely check out at Deathstock II?

Mild High Club
Petty Things
Lil Donyel
Fade Up Fade Out Bye Bye
Healing Potpourri
Froogy’s Groovies

Teenage Chain: Drifting, deeply resonating music with a whisper of despair: 

Three favorite things about Nor-Cal?

Rain and fog

Two bands, from the past or present, of your dreams to headline a show with?

Meat Whiplash and Biff Bang Pow

Teenage Chain’s music summed up in one sentence.

Down for you is up.

Which bands should everyone definitely check out at Deathstock II?

CCR Headcleaner

Mild High Club: Mellow, very psychedelic L.A. band heavy on 70s inspired keyboard riffs and melodies 

Three adjectives to describe your music?


Two must-bring items on tour?

Ted Nugent

One cool thing about playing music festivals

Jamming the fuck out.

Which bands should everyone definitely check out at Deathstock II?

Every band will be an emotionally high experience, buy tickets now dab wizards and pool sharks.

Buy tickets to Deathstock Festival II here.

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