Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch the Cape Fear Highlight Reel Easily the heaviest surf comp we’ve ever watched

Kai Neville texted me: “Are you watching this Cape Fear event? Shit is heavy!” Of all people to get me fired up to watch a big wave event. So I knew it must be something wild. I put it on and every muscle in my body clenched for 2 hours as I watched every wave ridden with eyes wide shut. By now you’ve seen something from it, but every dude in the event deserves a serious salute. And now, finally the highlight reel of all the waves is here.

Congrats to every dude who even thought about going out, and all you who did. You’re all way too gnarly.

And a big congrats to 18-year-old winner Russ Bierke. You’re out of your mind.

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