Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch Aquarian Blood in Chicago Memphis rock in Chicago during the Brixton Broadcast

These Brixton Broadcast shows are becoming a highlight of our year. Going to some cities and places we never thought we’d get to go, we’ve been introduced to bands who deserve so much of your undivided head-banging. Aquarian Blood is one. They’re from Memphis and feature Ex-Cult’s JB Horrell and his wife Laurel Ferdon. They deliver a fast, hard-driving and high pitched anger that scratches you in the eyes until it tickles.

We really liked this band. They played first during the Brixton Broadcast Chicago at The Empty Bottle and provided proof that we would be drunk and sweaty in no time. Watch our chat with Aquarian Blood and highlights from their set above.

Check out more from Aquarian Blood here. 

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