Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Vintage Kolohe Andino Classic grom in California

It’s pretty wild when you’re only 20 years old and you can find vintage footage of yourself tearing in California that still makes the grade. Stumbled upon this piece of Kolohe that just hit the spot. With California swells stacking up, sunny, warm winter weather on deck, this little flashback comes with some nostalgic stoke.

Also rad to see how even as a grom Kolohe focused in on making sure his style was just so before taking to the air. Jump to 2:30 for the action only. Although, it sure is nice listening to Mr. Biolos talk surfboards.

P.S.: The cutty at 3:46 is a highlight.

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