Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

time for a new wetsuit needESSENTIALS sent us a couple suits and a jacket to give away

You guys, fall is here. And that is great news. And it is even greater today because we can give...
what youth need essentials wetsuits and trunks

What is needESSENTIALS? The non-brand brand of wetsuits and gear that we’ve been wearing

All black everything. Core gear. No logos. No team. Just what you need at a lower price. And what their...
what youth recommends vissla wetsuits

Vissla’s New North Seas Wetsuit It’s the most wonderful time of the year: new wetsuit season

For a lot of us, more waves means a bit more rubber. The winter months are here, and each breath...
what youth recommends patagonia

Patagonia does it again Introducing the YULEX wetsuit, no neoprene needed.

Neoprene is bad. We know that. Did we know that? I think we did. But it’s been used in wetsuits...

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