Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch: “Vantage Points EP 1” From a new vid series from O’Neill

As part of a new video series from O’Neill, they partner a team surfer with a filmer to create some...

Watch: Hues Late season Teahupoo

The wonderfully talented Perry Gershkow stayed late into the Tahitian season to capture a few gems down the end of...

Watch: “Reminisce” A groovy short by Perry Gershkow

A short film by Perry Gershkow made from a few of the just misses and a few nice keepers from...


Our very talented friend, Perry Gershkow, sent over this really well made short film, of which is so in touch...

Watch “Pure Joy” A short film by Zac Haynes

We get a lot of content sent our way. This one popped into our inbox without much fanfare and truth...

Watch “Elude” A film by Noah Wegrich and Perry Gershkow

Whenever Perry Gershkow points a camera at something it’s a good idea to pay attention to the finished product. Once...

4 Cities: Cole Sandman Episode 6: Venturing Around Santa Cruz Presented by Volcom

Cole Sandman is that one kid in your town that everyone loves. His personality is contagious. He’s an old soul...
what youth recommends always more

Watch “Always More” “Just For Kicks” B-Sides with Noah Wegrich, Mitch Coleborn, and Nate Tyler

Remember Noah Wegrich’s “Just For Kicks” that came out on the start of January? No worries if you don’t because that...
what youth recommends noah wegrich just for kicks

Watch Noah Wegrich In “Just For Kicks” With appearances from Mitch Coleborn, Nate Tyler, and Torren Martyn

Darkened skis, grey water, chilly peaks. Normally not the most inviting trifecta but Santa Cruz local Noah Wegrich has us ready...

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